Everyone needs a blog

Everyone needs a blog

I think everyone should have their own blog. I'm not old enough to remember the days of BBS & IRC, I grew up in the age of forums and MSN messenger, but I'm old enough to remember that a person's thoughts, projects & photos shouldn't all be concentrated onto a single platform, controlled by a single company with their advertising and tracking being run off of your content.

I miss the days of being able to stumble across some random person's personal website, or niche forums exactly tailored to the topic you're interested in. Now it's all on Discord, locked behind a required log-in - unable to be indexed by search engines or easily downloaded & scraped for archival and viewing offline. I've started this website as a part-personal-portfolio part-personal-blog, I've been meaning to do it for a while as I feel like practicing what you preach is always good.

As I write this post now, I've settled on using Zola. I considered using Hugo before, but for some reason I just didn't like the feel of it. I'm informed that Jekyll is also pretty good for static site generation. I'm using a really nice theme for the blog as of right now called Anemone, though that it is subject to change as I'm not a fan of how it reaches out to the author's GitHub to retrieve the CSS, rather than just bundling it in the static resources for my site.

Whilst I'm not going to run out & delete my YouTube, Twitter & GitHub account just yet (video hosting is one thing that I'm rather grateful for not having to do myself), it's never a case of all-or-nothing. If I can avoiding posting my thoughts into the void on Twitter & instead publish my thoughts into the void on my own website, I consider that a small success.

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